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Wed, 20 Aug 2003

Adventures in UPJ world.

Its amazing. I still remember my freshman orientation. I was so excited to be going to that school. Everything was wonderfully organized. All the events were planned out in thorough detail. It was such a culture shock to be somewhere where all the things were not just thrown together at the last moment. I thought there could be nothing better.

That was a long time ago. Times have changed. I'm still waiting to hear about my degree. It turns out that my professor just disappeared for about a month during the time I was doing my directed study. She didn't even get back until after she was supposed to turn in my grade. As a result, I got an incomplete grade. She has all of my stuff now, and I'm hoping that she can get that grade changed by Thursday. If she does, I'll get my diploma mailed to me on Friday. If she doesn't, I don't know what will happen.

Note to self: if ever thinking about going back to Pitt for masters degree, bludgeon self with rock.

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