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Wed, 16 Jul 2003

Coding like crazy..

I'm getting really tired of working on pairNIC version 2.6. The features are going to be really cool and all, but this is becoming the project that just wont die...

Every time I think I'm on the last component, I realize I need to create two or three new components. Or, while I'm working on a new component, I realize I need to go back and change the way I did things in a previous component. System integration really sucks. I have the utmost admiration for people who design aircraft or spaceships or anything that requires taking everybody's different stuff and making it all work together.

In other news: no, wait... there is no other news. I've been working 10 hour days on pairNIC. Between finishing my directed study project for school and doing actual work, this is becoming the programming week from hell.

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