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Sun, 23 Feb 2003

Actually updating some of my sites today.

Leanne took Natalie up to her parents today for a birthday party. So, I had some free time to update some of my web pages. I updated my "What's new" section with a new program that will help me organize stuff and hopefully make it easier for me to post stuff (and thus, more likely that I actually will).

Besides updating dwright.org, I've also started working on perl6.org. I had hoped to get that site up and running months ago. Its nowhere near completion, but at this point it at least does something.

I also help the scouts run wagion.org. I'm glad that I got to spend some time on that this week. I needed a project for my database class that I'm taking right now, so I'm going to extend the publishing system that I wrote for wagion.org so that it uses CGI and a database back end. That will give me an excuse to continue working on it.

I know most of the pictures here are a bit dated. That's intentional. After September 11th, I don't feel as comfortable posting pictures of the family. I'm probably going to create a password protected area and only give out the password to friends and family.

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