pairNIC 2.6 is out. This news is a few days late, but pairNIC
version 2.6 is finally out! I've been working on it since January, and it
feels good to be done with it. The external differences aren't all that much,
but there was a lot of internal re-working required to make it do all that its
doing internally now. The scalability factor has now been increased by an
order of magnitude at least.
There might or might not be a version 2.8. There will be some more
improvements to version 2.6 that won't be given a new version number, though.
Version 3.0 will likely not be out until Spring 2005 at its earliest. My guess
is that 3.0 will be the version to support resellers. But that is so far away,
who knows what might happen in the mean-time.
All I know is that its nice to have a little more variety now. I've been
spending the last few days closing out tiny requests that have been building
up. Programming is more fun when you get to change gears often.
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